When an older relative – a Mum or a Grandmother – end up in hospital, it is a stressful time for their family. Finding the right care solution to allow them home from hospital is often a fraught process. This story is how one family found the right care to keep their loved one independent at home.

Into hospital –

Lily had been ill for some time and had to be admitted to a Cheshire Hospital for a major operation. She would remain on a Ward for many weeks as she recovered. Her daughter, Denise, visited as often as she could but as a busy working Mum herself, she could not go daily. This was distressing for her, even if her Mum told her not to worry too much about it. As Lily slowly improved, all thoughts turned to what her future would hold, and where she would be able to continue living.

Lily worried that she would not be able to return home after the operation. Living alone, although her family were not too far away, she loved seeing her daughter and grandchildren whenever possible. Bridge Club, Church and friends were also important aspects of her life. Lily wished to continue doing the things that made life fun once she had recovered.

Looking for (and finding) solutions –

Denise shared her Mum’s concerns and hopes. Having Mum independent at home again became her top priority and she looked for solutions to achieve that aim. An evening of internet searching brought up different ideas – many of them involving her Mum going into a care institution or sheltered accommodation – which were feasible, but not ideal. Then Denise found an article about live-in care – and how that would help keep Mums like Lily independent in their own home. Live in care means that the carer comes and lives with their client, and are with them around the clock, one-on-one, to ensure they are looked after. All that is required for the carer is a clean spare bedroom – where they would stay whilst caring – and Lily’s home had plenty of room for them.

A quick phone call with a local, CQC-registered, specialist live-in care company established that they could provide care at home for Lily – and the process would only take a few days. This meant that Lily could come home form hospital as soon as the medical teams were happy. The company’s Care Team assessed Lily on the ward and liaised with the Occupational Therapist, ensuring all necessary equipment would be available for the discharge home. They also liaised with the hospital’s Discharge Team and Ward so that on the day of Lily leaving hospital, all was in place for care to start.

Coming home from hospital –

The care company identified a lovely professional called Anna to become Lily’s carer and companion. Live-in care allowed Lily to leave hospital, return home and “participate in her own life”. Anna encouraged Lily to resume the things she did before her operation – preparing meals, going shopping, returning to clubs and Church. Naturally, the care plan they developed encompasses all the personal care (showering, dressing, helping to the toilet etc.) that is needed, as Lily cannot manage this without Anna’s support.

For Denise, a busy working professional, live-in care has brought peace of mind. Her Mum is at home – where she always wanted her to be. She knows that someone is always with her Mum. There is no nagging doubt that Lily is not ok. An added benefit is when visiting Mum, they can simply be daughter and grandchildren without thinking about care.

Lily has been independent at home for over six years. She is still living her best life – going out and about and seeing her grandchildren grow into their teenage years. Lily is the first to say that none of this would be possible without the care and dedication of Anna, Klaudia, Mihaela and Mashona – her regular carers. They too have become part of family life for Lily and Denise – trusted by all. They are supported by the company’s dedicated Care Team and all changes to the care plan for Lily are worked into daily life seamlessly.

If you’re faced with finding care for a relative that is in hospital – whether following an operation, a fall or other event – then a conversation with a local Care Consultant will help you find the right care solution for your ‘home from hospital’ conundrum.