We are into the dark, often bitterly cold, winter months and for those of you who are venturing out on your mobility scooters, this time of year can be somewhat challenging. From dark frozen mornings to wet winter days, the conditions aren’t always ideal for those of you who are setting out on your scooters.

So, with that being said, we want to help you feel as confident as possible this winter, with a few helpful tips on how to keep your scooter in the best shape possible.

  • Keep your mobility scooter clean- Keeping your scooter dry after use in wet conditions will prove vital to the lifespan of your components. The same goes for keeping your scooter clean after use, especially on the framework. A quick wipe-down after use shouldn’t take a few minutes and should prevent any complex maintenance work in the long run.
  • Fully charge your mobility scooter- To make sure that the battery can maximise its power you must ensure it’s fully charged each time before using it.  Remember, 12 hours is the minimum charge time for a scooter battery, any less than this and the battery performance will reduce over time and eventually become unusable.
  • Consistently check your mobility scooter’s tyres- In slippery, icy conditions, your tyres must be regularly checked for general signs of wear and tear. Pneumatic tyres must have their pressure checked monthly if they are not fully inflated the likelihood of an accident increases.
  • Keep your mobility scooter sheltered- The ideal place to store your mobility scooter is in a house, garage or shed. The main idea is that your scooter is kept dry to prevent components from rusting, especially in colder temperatures your battery will not perform as well, so keeping your scooter sheltered helps to prevent this.
  • Protect the control panel of your mobility scooter- Mobility scooters have electrical components so it’s important to prevent water from getting in where it shouldn’t. Use a protective cover to shield your control panel and try your best to keep both of your scooters and more importantly yourself.

Check out the post ‘How to Look After Your Mobility Scooter Batteries‘.

See these tips from NHS for you to stay well this winter: We are here to help you stay well this winter (assets.nhs.uk)