Toni Goodwin is a SOLLA (Society of Later Life Advisers) accredited senior financial planner

experienced at working with clients who need more care and attention, such as elderly clients or those needing more help with decision making.

Toni has over 25 years experience in giving financial advice and is a chartered planner (meaning she holds the level 6 advanced diploma). She combines the practical experience gained face to face with clients and theory learned in her studies to give clear advice and is often told by clients ‘that’s the first time I’ve ever understood that’.

She knows from experience with existing clients that decisions about financing care often need to be made at a time of significant change and emotional stress, so she makes sure the financial planning process doesn’t add to that stress.

A range of advice

Toni is able to offer advice across a full range of areas such as inheritance tax planning, investments, protection, pensions and in her specialist area which is working with people who need to finance their own care.

Toni will look at the best way to do this taking an individual’s personal circumstances and views into account, producing a report with full recommendations and cashflow modelling to help alleviate fears around running out of money and / or using it all for longer term care. The aim is to put you in a fully informed position, so you know where you are now and what to expect moving forward.

She works with individuals and their legal representatives and always aims to make the advice clear and in a language that can be understood.